The 3 free online Waltz dance steps below will teach you how to Waltz step by step.
We will show you how to do the box step - which is the most fundamental basic step, then in the second step we will show you how to turn the box step on one spot and lastly we'll show you how to do the progressive basic step which travels around the room. These moves are a great start for beginners interested to learn Ballroom dancing.

Waltz Dance Course For Beginners - FREE:
Introduction to the timing of Waltz:
The way you count the Waltz is 1,2,3 - 1,2,3. The Waltz has a strong accent on count 1, so most figures start on that count. All the beats in the Waltz are equal and the tempo is usually slow.
How to Waltz lesson #1: Waltz box step:
This is the box step, which is the most fundamental dance step in the Waltz. To learn this step you just need to imagine you have a box in front of you and then you going to step on the corners of the box. You will also get a good demonstration of the "rise and fall" technique which is used through out the Waltz. Go ahead and try it it out!
How to Waltz lesson #2: The box step turning to the left
Now we will take the same box you learned above and we'll show you how to turn it around on one spot. It is imperative that you have mastered the regular Waltz box step (the lesson above) before you try to turn it. To turn it, all you have to do is do the box while turning the shoulders to the left, slowly turning around and bringing your partner with you.
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How to Waltz dance lesson #3: Progressive basic step
So far you learned 2 moves that were stationary. But what if I told you that the Waltz is actually a progressive dance! Yes it is. The Waltz is a Ballroom dance that travels around the room (counter clock wise). In this video you will learn how to get around the room easily with the progressive basic step.
Want To Go Beyond The Basics?
Passion4Dancing Dance Training
Become a member at and get access to over 250 video lessons teaching you Latin and Ballroom dancing (American & International Style).
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